Premium Residential Lawncare

The Grassman Lawn & Landscape Company

  1. You can see the difference experience makes

When you select the GrassMan, you're hiring a team of professionals serious about producing lawns that stay thick, green and healthy all year. We’ve been caring for lawns in Kelowna and around the Lower Mainland since 1994. We know what it takes to produce the very best lawns in our area.

Getting the best value in lawn care means having a beautiful lawn without hassle or aggravation. It means dealing with people who take your trust seriously. That's why so many of your neighbours have come to rely on our professional approach and personal service. We hope you'll decide to depend on the GrassMan to produce great results for you too.

Three Great Lawn Care Programs

  1. Designed to maximize your lawn's performance

The popularity of our lawn care programs are rooted from our core values. We understand our soils, grass types and weather, and our environmentally friendly products and programs are designed specifically for our area's growing conditions.

When you call for your free written lawn analysis, our technician will remove a small core sample and visually inspect the root systems of your lawn. Then we can create a program to eliminate the kinds of problems you may be experiencing.

You may have a variety of broadleaf weeds. Moss may have taken over the entire yard. Or your lawn is infested with insects or disease. Whatever the cause for poor performance, we have a program designed to give you a lawn that provides hours of enjoyment for you and your family.

A beautiful lawn has never been easier. Our customer service is quick and responsive, and our price is what you'd expect to pay for much less.

Invest in Your Lawn & Landscape

  1. A few facts that may surprise you

Your home or strata is a big investment, and our professional lawn and landscape services can add to it’s value. We strive to balance affordability with results you can see. In essence, we sell curb appeal insurance. We will keep your lawns and grounds beautiful, and maintain your landscape to the highest of industry standards. Whether you need a fertilizer program to achieve the lawn you’ve always wanted, or a comprehensive strata package, we have the experience, professional materials, and timely services to get you covered.

Call us today for your FREE Written Analysis.
Kelowna 1-250-575-6739
Lower Mainland 1-604-307-3790


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The Grass Man Lawn Care BBB Business Review